Saturday, October 7, 2017

The Process of Extracting Power fromVacuum Fluctuations using the Effect of Casimir Cavities on Electron Orbitals.

The Process of Extracting Power fromVacuum Fluctuations using the Effect of Casimir Cavities on Electron Orbitals.
In a 2008 patent, Haisch and Moddel describe a method to extract power from vacuum Fluctuations (ZPE field) that makes use this effect of Casimir cavities on electron orbitals. The process of atoms flowing into and out from Casimir cavities is shown in Fig. 1. In the upper part of the loop gas is pumped first through a region surrounded by a radiation absorber, and then through a Casimir cavity. As the atoms enter the Casimir cavity, their orbitals spin down and release electromagnetic radiation, indicated by the small outward pointing arrows, which is extracted by the absorber. On leaving the cavity at the top left, the ambient ZPEF (Zero Point Energy Field) re-energizes the orbitals, depicted by the small inward pointing arrows. The gas then flows through a pump and is ecirculated through the system. The system functions like a heat pump, pumping energy from an external source to a local absorber.

Fig. 1. System to pump energy continuously from the vacuum, as proposed by Haisch and Moddel.  As gas enters the Casimir cavity the electron orbitals of the gas atoms spin down in energy, emitting Larmour radiation, shown as small arrows pointing outwards. The radiant energy is absorbed and extracted. When the atoms exit the Casimir cavity, the atomic orbitals are recharged to their initial level by the ambient zero-point field, shown by the inward pointing small arrows. In effect this process would siphon energy from the Universe at large.The inert gas serves solely as a catalyst and is not depleted.

It is technologically straightforward to manufacture structures the size of a car battery that would contain millions of Casimir cavities. The process requires the continuous cyclic flow of inert, harmless gases such as neon, argon, krypton or xenon in a closed system. Energy capture and conversion devices are also required, whose exact characteristics depend upon precisely how the zero-point energy is released. Reasonable estimates of the strength and efficiency of this process suggest that a structure of car-battery size could generate on the order of one kilowatt. There would be no harmful, hazardous or polluting byproducts (University of Colorado, 2009)

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