Our current understanding of science is like a puzzle with a large missing piece. ZPE would be the missing piece which completes the picture, possibly ushering a “Second Coming” of science.
Zero Point Energy (ZPE) Is an Infinite energy field, the implication of this energy field, is that all physical matter can be considered to be floating in a sea of energy, which if collected and converted into electrical energy, could more than meet the world’s insatiable energy demand.
The special characteristics of ZPE are that it has a virtually infinite energy density and that it is present every where (even present in outer space), which make it very desirable as an energy source. However, because high energy densities exist at very high frequencies, and because conventional methods are only able to convert or extract energy effectively or efficiently at lower frequencies, effectively tapping this energy source has been unavailable using conventional techniques. Consequently, ZPE which may be used to provide for society's demanding energy needs has remained unharnessed.
in tapping this Energy, there is conversion of electromagnetic radiation energy to electrical energy, and more specifically the conversion of an extremely high frequency bandwidth of the electromagnetic spectrum (beyond Gamma Rays) known as the zero point spectrum.
we are immersed in an energetic field which also exists in a vacuum, ZPE is homogeneous javascript:void(0);(uniform) and isotropic (identical in all directions) as well as ubiquitous (exists everywhere).
vacuum is now considered as filled with randomly fluctuating fields having the ZPE spectrum. The special characteristics of ZPE are that it has a virtually infinite energy field. Most famous of all equations must surely be E=mc square .
The physical universe is made up of massless electric charges immersed in a vast, energetic, all-pervasive electromagnetic field. It is the interaction of those charges and the electromagnetic field that creates the appearance of mass. In other words, mass if properly understood, it is physically nothing more than a collection of electric charges embedded in a universal energetic electromagnetic field and acted on by the field in such a way as to make you think an object has the property of mass. Its apparent weight and solidity arise from the interactions of charges and field.